Character Graveyard

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Hall of Knowledge

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You can post random things here to test out our new features. The library takes up the entire third floor of the tower. It's an amazing room, broken into sections, with high ceilings and bookshelves that stretch almost up to the top. There's large, stained glass windows within the library, in front of which are comfortable window seats. There are tables located within the room for the tower's residents to do their research. Books are not to leave the library unless signed out with permission from the librarian. On the ceiling of the library, there are large, murals that depict the divines.

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You guys can talk about anything to do with the forum here.


essential wmdh threads

These threads are essential to WMDH. These threads include rules, plot, face claims, etc.


So all of our posting templates are no longer going to work with v5. You guys can create new ones here... or just steal mine.

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If you need help figuring something out, just post here.

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If yu have any suggestions for our layout or anything at all, post it here.

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